There’s a reason why you may have seen so many ads for denture adhesives, whether they are in the form of a gooey gel or sponge pads. Dentures have a tendency to move, and that motion and rubbing can be uncomfortable. Everybody who has dentures has probably thought to themselves, if only I could fix them in place. Dental implants do just that by providing anchorage points between the denture and your jawbone. The industry standard is 5 implants spread out across the arch of the jaw, but with the recently pioneered dental implant Melbourne which is a four implant system that provides all the advantages of 5 implants with a simpler, more cost-effective and less invasive procedure.
Many dental patients have found that by stabilising their dentures they not only gain an increase of daily comfort in their dental prosthetics but also feel that it is more part of them, by physically and metaphorically fixing them in place, resulting in a very similar care and brushing routine as natural teeth. Stabilised dentures can be extremely helpful when consuming hard or crunchy foods. They also allow for more natural speech patterns.
4 vs 5 implants for a denture
Many surgeries that offer this treatment are eager and able to provide patients with the best care and most progressive surgeries at a reasonable price that is tailored to their needs. One of the first questions that needed to be explored was exactly how many dental implants are necessary to fully immobilise a denture. It had long been considered industry standard to use the 5 equally placed implants along the standard dental arch but this had not been thoroughly tested and tried in the clinic, so dental teams began doing so using the surgical expertise X-Ray and CT machine to their full potential.
Dentists have provided many patients with denture immobilisation using only 4 equally spaced implants. This is great for giving the necessary anchorage to the denture whilst keeping the implant procedure as simple and cost-effective as possible, giving a far better value to the dental patients than other implant centres or dental surgeries who may occasionally provide implants.
Caring and maintenance of an immobilised denture
As an immobilised denture is permanently fixed into your mouth the option to remove it for night-time cleaning in a denture soak is no longer available. This is something to keep in consideration but in general most dental patients are more than happy to return to regular brushing as this feels far more natural than removing their dentures at night.
As implant supported dentures are far more stable than their restricted count counterparts, there is no need to limit your food choices and enjoying uncut apples and corn off the cob is completely possible! There is also no need to restrict laughter or your mouth motions in general in order to help keep your dentures in place. This results in far more natural and relaxed mouth movements and general demeanor.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.